Who Are We?
Riyadh Airports Company (RAC) was established in 2016 as part of the privatization program of the aviation sector in Saudi Arabia. RAC manages and operates King Khalid International Airport (KKIA) in the Saudi capital, Riyadh, looking after its existing facilities while also upgrading KKIA’s infrastructure and expansion with new services and facilities. RAC is committed to working closely with partners and stakeholders, both locally and globally, to ensure customer satisfaction with all services and products offered.
Our Values
In Riyadh Airports, we highly believe that each of our employees has the potential to contribute to the overall company performance and strategic directions. We also believe that our employees have the courage and ability to perform outstandingly by adhering to five-core values that have been significantly built to serve our clients and partners according to the highest standards. We are keen to translate these values into action in all our daily practices, and in both internal and external dealings with our partners, stakeholders, and customers.

We in Riyadh Airports highly believe that each of us has a great deal of "Innovation" that can contribute to the overall company performance and strategic directions. We also believe that we all have the courage and ability to think outside the box and propose innovative solutions in order to serve our partners and clients, and to improve the company's performance on all levels.

At Riyadh Airports, Safety is something we deem as a vital value that all what we do is crucially dependent on. Our employees are our most valuable resource, so we care about their safety, not only at work, but also outside the company. Passengers and those working at the airport are our top priority, so we serve as guardians for their Safety, ensuring the highest standards of care and security.

At Riyadh Airports, "Collaboration" is one of the most important values that can help us achieve the desired goals, and overcome all challenges. We believe that our success can greatly be done through "Collaboration".

In Riyadh Airports, Achievement is not a relative term, but a product resulted of 3 crucial factors; done in a timely manner, with high quality, and exceeds stakeholders expectations. We believe that our success and excellence can only be measured by our achievement towards serving the company strategic objectives.

At Riyadh Airports, we highly believe in Commitment as a fundamental drive towards success and excellence. Providing our partners and clients with high quality of service, and working hard to sever Riyadh Airports strategic objectives are commitment. At Riyadh Airports, commitment” is an instrument to face obstacles, and overcome challenges.